Runtime Settings
The settings can be located under Candy Merge/_Config/Settings/Resources/Runtime Settings
The runtime settings is the main settings object where you can control most system settings from. It will be accessed during runtime & in the editor when changing values.
Some of the settings will automatically update the game in the editor while edited, such as the box's dimensions.
Share URL
- URL used for sharing game scores.
Share Text
- default text used when sharing a score. %s will be replaced by the score achieved.
- a collection of colors to use accross the project.
Candies Layer
- the layer the candies are on.
Show Buffer
- determines whether the buffer UI should be displayed.
Can Switch
- determines whether candies can be switched.
Drop Cooldown
- cooldown time for dropping candies
Box Width
- width of the box the candies falls into.
Box Height
- height of the box the candies falls into.
Box Y Origin
- y-axis origin for the box.
Progression Range
- range for progression visuals in degrees.
Progression Radius
- radius for the progression visuals.
Progression Min Distance
- minimum distance between thumbnails for the progression.
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