Most games need some sort of object spawner. The internal spawn logic can look a bit different depending on scenario and context. This is why we created a scalable and modular Object Spawner.
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Most games need some sort of object spawner. The internal spawn logic can look a bit different depending on scenario and context. This is why we created a scalable and modular Object Spawner.
Last updated
Underlying all spawners is the ASpawner
script. This is an extendable class that handles all the boring setup logic for a spawner. But, because of this, the direct inheritance could be abit difficult to grasp. Therefor, we created some sub-spawner systems to allow you to get the ball rolling faster.
To understand how we can create a new spawner to spawn a specific type, we can extend the SpawnpointsSpawner
and create a script that spawns Balls.
To spawn an object from another script we simply need to call:
Sometimes, the pre-made spawners are not enough and you would like to create your own spawning logic. Here's how: