
A proximity system adds dynamic interactions by triggering events based on nearby objects, making the game world feel more responsive.

The Proximity System is divided in two parts:

  1. Proximity Trigger - triggers a proximity whenever it gets close to any AProximity.

  2. AProximity - an abstract class that is easy to extend and gets triggered whenever the Proximity Trigger is getting close or leaves the proximity area.

The Proximity Trigger can be attached to any game object. For example; we can attach it to the player instance.

The AProximity cannot be directly used due to it being an abstract class. However, you can and should create a new script and extend the AProximity class. Here you can define whatever proximity behaviour you want. Let's take an example where a sphere changes its color:

public class ChangeColorProximity : AProximity
    public Material inProximity, outOfProximity; // define some references to materials
    public MeshRenderer meshRenderer; // the renderer of the sphere
    // MUST be overriden. It tells us whenever a Proximity Trigger is close enough.
    public override void Entered()
        meshRenderer.material = inProximity; // set the material.
    // MUST be overriden. It tells us whenever a Proximity Trigger leaves the area.
    public override void Left()
        meshRenderer.material = outOfProximity; // set the material.

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