In most games, a system for displaying dialogue is essential, whether for NPC conversations, tutorials, or other in-game messages. Here we display a system that helps you create these dialogues easily
You can create a new dialogue by going to Create/Essentials/Dialogue/Dialogue. Here we can configure a couple of settings.
The actual dialogue data is what's called the Header and the Description. To create a full conversation we can create new Branches. A Branch is a link to another dialogue instance. For example, if we want to transition from dialogue A to B, we create a new Branch and assign dialogue B as the Next dialogue.
For the dialogue to understand which and when it should transition to another branch, we use Conditions. A condition can be for example; Done (whenever dialogue has finished), Skip (if a user presses a button) etc. You can create and locate new conditions under the Create/Essentials/Dialogue/Conditions.
To create a custom condition, we do the following:
// This creates a ScriptableObject that is located wherever all the other conditions are
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "Test [CONDITION]", menuName = "Essentials/Dialogue/Conditions/Test", order = 0)]
public class TestCondition : Condition // we must extend Condition
// if Evaluate() is NOT overriden, it will return a protected variable called isSatisfied.
// we can change this variable wherever we want directly, or call SetTrue() or SetFalse().
// we don't NEED to override this, only if we want some initilization code
public override void Init(DialogueManager manager)
base.Init(manager); // make sure to call the base.Init()
// do some initialize code
// we don't NEED to override this, only if we want some dispose code
public override void Dispose()
base.Init(manager); // usually, we call base.Init() here.
// do some dispose code
// we don't NEED to override this, only if we want to return something else, rather than isSatisfied
public override bool Evaluate()
return // return some code to evaluate.
For example, to create a skip condition we write:
// This creates a ScriptableObject that is located wherever all the other conditions are
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "Skip [CONDITION]", menuName = "Essentials/Dialogue/Conditions/Skip", order = 0)]
public class SkipCondition : Condition // we must extend Condition
public override bool Evaluate()
return Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space);
Or, if we just want to create a condition that auto-selects the branch when the dialogue is finished:
// This creates a ScriptableObject that is located wherever all the other conditions are
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "Done [CONDITION]", menuName = "Essentials/Dialogue/Conditions/Done", order = 0)]
public class DoneCondition : Condition // we must extend Condition
public override void Init(DialogueManager manager)
manager.onDialogueFinished += SetTrue; // we subscribes to the dialogue's finish event to set this condition true.
public override void Dispose()
manager.onDialogueFinished -= SetTrue; // we MUST also remember to unsubscribe to avoid leak over dialogues.
Initializing dialogues
Dialogues can appear visually in many different scenarios. This is why we created an abstractDialogueManager that you can extend wherever you need a dialogue to appear.
For example; if we want to show the dialogue in a UI we could create a dialogue manager like this:
public class DialogueUI : DialogueManager // extend the dialogue manager
public TextMeshProUGUI headerText, descriptionText;
// this must exist in any class that extends DialogueManager
// it is called whenever the dialogue has finished.
protected override void Hide()
headerText.text = ""; // clear the header
descriptionText.text = ""; // clear the description
// this must exist in any class that extends DialogueManager
// it is called whenever a new dialogue is supposed to show
protected override void Show(Dialogue dialogue)
headerText.text = dialogue.Header; // we set the header to the dialogue's header
descriptionText.text = dialogue.Description; // we set the description to the dialogue's description
StartCoroutine(DelayFinish()); // we delay the finish a bit to allow the player to see the dialogue before it finishes.
// alt. we can use the Thread.Delay(this, Finish, 1) that comes with the package as a utility function.
private IEnumerator DelayFinish()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(5); // waits 5 seconds.
Finish(); // this must always be called somewhere in a DialogueManager whenever the dialogue is supposed to be finished.
For more examples, we can see the dialogue demo.
To later start a dialogue, we can simply call:
public DialogueManager manager; // some reference to any manager (could be a UI)
public Dialogue dialogue; // some reference to the dialogue to show
manager.Run(dialogue); // run the new dialogue (could be placed in a Start() or any other desired place.